Sunday, May 15, 2011

Holdens splendid idea!!!

"look," i said "Heres my idea. how would you like to get the hell out of here? Heres my idea. i know this guy down in Greenwich Village that we can borrow his car for a couple of weeks". "what we could do is tomorrow morning we could drive up to massachusetts and vermont, and all around there."well stay in these cabin camps and stuff like and when the dough runs out i could get a job"

Holden is trying to pretty much running away from everything and going somewhere where there isn't a lot of people and hes pretty much giving up, it looks like he cant take much more of this big city life with all the people, lets see he said lets go to a differant state, live in a cabin, and then we can start a new life. im pretty sure if she would have said yes then he would have been a very happy man, who knows maybe he would have calmed down in his mind and how he thinks. I see Holden as a guy that cant be around to many people and in a cabin out in the wilderness is a place were he needs to be.

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